Tux got a boutinierre to wear fur his crossing to da Bridge. And furom Phil, Lil, Mary Kay, and Ashley this quote furom da last act of Hamlet:
And below are his activities he took part in during his short life. He truly was a protective guard of his territory - - Tux's Meowmie. I am a purroud memfur of Tomzrule. I also am proud to be in Claw and in rememfurence to da days and nights wif my buds, I wrote the liddle poem dat falloes witch is dedicated to my fellow agents at DaAgency. Oh! Here I am as a guard: ![]() I think about the wonderful days I've spent wif dem. I remember all the friends I've met And all the genuine "Meows" I've
been sent. The Krispy Kremes I've eaten and awards I did receive. I remember them now, as nightime falls all the parties and festivities And now it's my turn to return the
favor by watching dose ya-ya gurls. And spend time, as well, in Claw.There I teach and take part in many guilds. And as sunset descends and the day starts to ebb, me and da agents keep our vigil. I take time to answer all my
on-line friends. It's always such a wonderful treat, The pleasure I feel never changes. For I know in my heart that though we may never meet, Nothing can stop these e-mail exchanges. Geesh...is that a good thing???
![]() ![]() ![]() More pages wif awards and ofur actifities and stuff to falloe. Also some links to some of da afore menshunned buds. ![]()