Mewwwwwww Hawwwwwwwww

This is the night when things go bump in the night and things come out that crawl.

Be afraid, be very, very afraid

Unless you like things that go bump in the night
Here is some of our fafurite food being made.
Look below.

Made by Meowmie. Here mew can see a close up of her.

Do mew tink she is purrty? Or arre mew afeered? And our fafurite book.

This is our hause

Come on in and visit with us, won't mew?

Would mew like to see some of us in costumes this year?

Tux here as a gargoyle last year, 2003. Scarey, isn't he? He'll be happy to greet mew as mew enter ar hause.
Baby as an angel
And Mimi as a devil

And fur more kitties....

Here is a link to Captain Video's Halloween Party. Click on the button of a pumpkin! And the 'boo!' is a link to story by one of Tux's buds. IT WILL SCARE MEW!

Mew surfifed dat AND my beautifur Meowmie's cooking?!!!! Here's more and watch owt. Surfifurs haf wound up here fur eternity!

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