Let mwe introduce efuryone to my wedwink, Sugar. Here we bof are.

Here we are again

Sugar and mwe, dressed to go owt, more casmewally.


Check out the latest ...
And here is the car
and the team
And Bootsy who wants to steal the spotlight

And dis beez new.

Oh, oh...I gots to mew: I play wif the Mews Bros. band.

This was from TCMC Furship Enature Survival Advemtire.

My Caterwaul purrticipation in hunt.

This is for taking part in the Feline Health Society.

It was a featured group at Claw. Click on card to visit it.

All dressed up fur a fair and one year in Claw/BFCC Halloween Costume Cattest:


This is fur writing a column.
It's called, "Throwing My Weight Around."

And for teaching.

Here is one form the Backseat Kitties Support Group of Claw:

Claw Teacher/Grader Award.

And surprise! I gots this award furom Spock.

And this furom Shamus.

My Bud's Links

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