Hi, I am Baby. |
I am Tux's furMeowmie and Playful's half sisfur.I am also one of the smallest of our furmily. I only weigh 6 and 1/2 lbs. Yikes.... I weighed 6 and 1/2 in 2003 when I started this page. I am now up to 8 or 9 lbs. Dat was a while back.*sigh* | Here is a picture taken in December, 2005. |
I had had a fright when Meowmie mistakenly gafe mwe ADVANTIX. It bees only fur d*gs! Meowmie did nuts know dis. She put it on mwe to purrtect mwe. It gave mwe seizures!!! DO NOT EFUR, EFUR USE ADVANTIX on a cat. She rushed mwe to da v*t. Dey sedated mwe and gafe mwe fluids intravenous. Da seizures finally stopped. It was furry important dat I eat at dat time...so Meowmie was spoon feeding mwe. | When I was befur, she stood ofur mwe to keep ofur kitties (mew know who) furom stealing my food. I den got in da habit of hogging food. So my weight has gone up slightly. Ok, I am up to about 12 or 13 lbs. Hey, I don't look fat, do I? I am running off to find a skinny recent picfur. Honest. I am NOT fat. I will prove it. In da meantime, gaze into my baby blues. |
See, dis is furom 2007. It's up close and purrsonal, and shows da true color of my eyes. It has been da only picfur Meowmie could get wifout redeye and da necessary retouching. Ok. ok. It's only half my face, but mew see how blue my eyes are. Dat da truf! |
My latest activity or circle I belong too. Hope to keep dose toms in line! | |
CLICK The Picture | |
I went wif Shamus, a furriend of my brofur's. | |
This is me and siblings at the Cat Mountain Recital We had fun purrforming and are making plans for an ensemble performance next year. |
A few years ago, I was an angel in the Claw/BFCC Halloweenie cattest. Meowmie says da costume suits my nature... except when I act like Houdini and escape outside! | |
I went to Captain Video's Christmouse Adventure, 2003 And here is my memento................ |
And take a look at this! Here I finally got to do somefing creatif. I made this animated snowglobe, Tux helped. But we were the furst kitties in our house to learn animation. I just love this. | |
An award I got at the Back Seat Kitty Group in Nov., 04. | |
And this award! |
I also took part in the Claw Winter Festival and got this fur my effurts! Yay!